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Bye, Bye, Buzzy Mosquito Repellent Spray

Writer's picture: Stephanie TourlesStephanie Tourles

Summer Blessings Everyone! Today, I want to share with you an oh-so-fragrant and effective recipe for an easy-to-make, essential-oil-based, mosquito repellent spray. It works best for when bugs are only mildly-to-moderately hungry. The formula comes from page 84 of my book, Naturally Bug-Free: 75 Nontoxic Recipes for Repelling Mosquitoes, Ticks, Fleas, Ants, Moths & Other Pesky Insects (Storey Publishing, c2016). If you haven't already purchased this handy little book, it's only $10.95 (available online and in bookstores nationwide) and chock-full of recipes for natural mosquito/tick repellents for humans, flea/tick repellents for your dogs and cats, and natural insecticides for your home. Nary a chemical in sight . . . safe for you, your pets, and your home - but the bugs will go running!

Essential oils . . . where do I get mine? I'm often asked this question. I've worked with several brands of essential oils in my long natural skin care/reflexology/book-writing career, but I've been primarily using DoTERRA oils for the last year as I've discovered that they are of excellent quality and responsibly/ethically sourced, and there's just something about their energy that I'm attracted to. I was out of rosemary essential oil when I took the recipe supply photo below - which I can't believe, as it is one of my favorite remedial oils - so I used another brand (thus the bottle with the white cap in the photo). If you'd like to read about the DoTERRA company and their oils, just visit my website and cruise around

I'm not a "newbie" to essential oils, quite the contrary. I'm a professional aromatherapist (and an experienced herbalist) with thousands of hours of training and research and would love to have you on my DoTERRA team. I've written scads of books with recipes that incorporate essential oils and taught many-a-class about the healing benefits these oils can offer. I can educate you about the products in ways that many folks - with much less scholarly and hands-on experience - cannot. Please email me if you have a question. My address is on my DoTERRA website. So - there's my business plug . . . on to the recipe . . .

Bye, Bye, Buzzy Spray

Contraindication: Do not use on children under 2 years of age.

If you love the uplifting, stimulating scents of rosemary, lemon, and peppermint, then you'll adore this mentally energizing formula that happens to repel annoying bugs. It doubles as a wonderfully effective, antiseptic kitchen and bathroom cleaner, leaving a lingering fragrance that will help deter all manner of pesky insects, especially in dark cabinets where they like to reside.


40 drops rosemary essential oil 30 drops lemon essential oil (may substitute 'lemongrass' if you wish) 10 drops peppermint essential oil 1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerin (optional, but adds slight moisturizing effect to skin) 1/2 teaspoon liquid castile soap, peppermint or eucalyptus scented 1 cup witch hazel (available at drug/health food stores or 8-ounce PET plastic or glass spritzer bottle

Directions: Add the rosemary, lemon (or lemongrass), and peppermint essential oils directly to your bottle, then add the glycerin, liquid soap, and witch hazel. Screw the top on the bottle and shake vigorously to blend. Allow the spray to synergize (so the ingredients can chemically blend) for 1 hour prior to use. Do not forget to add a label, preferably covered with waterproof postage tape, the date made, and the words "external use only".

I often will divide this recipe into 4, 2-oz. bottles and stash one in my purse, car, backpack, and bathroom - so there's always one handy.

Application: Shake the bottle prior to each use. Apply liberally to skin as needed - you may need to reapply every 20 to 30 minutes. May be sprayed on clothing. Remember - DO NOT use on children under 2 years of age.

NOTE: The recipe in this blog has been adapted from the book, Naturally Bug-Free (Storey Publishing, c 2016), by Stephanie Tourles. The information in Stephanie's blog is true and complete to the best of her knowledge. All recommendations are made without guarantee on the part of the author. She disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this information. It is for educational purposes only.


Stephanie Tourles

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Holistic Esthetician, Massage Therapist, Author, Aromatherapist, Herbalist, Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist

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